Choosing between safety and your bottom line does not have to be a hard choice. If you are looking to keep your employees safe, reduce worker’s compensation claims and save your bottom line, then switching to plastic dumpsters is something your business should seriously consider.
Your employee’s safety is one of your top priorities as a business. You invest in protective gear and training, but did it ever cross your mind that your employees risk harming themselves by interacting with rusty, heavy, steel dumpsters? Steel dumpsters are the cause of many injuries in the waste industry. A typical 4-yard dumpster weighs approximately 1,500 lbs. and can hold upwards of 800 lbs. of waste. When one of these dumpsters needs to be moved for a truck to access it this can cause major pains and injuries for your haulers.

The Risks
The risks of injury are obvious with a steel dumpster. Haulers easily can throw their back out, cause soft tissue damage, or even risk stroke or heart attacks by trying to move an extremely heavy steel dumpster. Every time a dumpster needs to be moved out of a narrow alleyway or turned in order to reach the truck, the chances of injury increase. This gives your bottom line a hit with insurance claims, worker’s compensation claims, loss of productivity and the need to hire more employees. Beyond that, employees risk cutting themselves on jagged, rusty edges on dumpsters. Sustaining a cut from a dirty rusty piece of steel can lead to infection, blood poisoning and tetanus. All are serious and unnecessary health risks that are preventable. A study performed in 2018 by the National Safety Council estimates that work injury costs employers $1,100 per employee. The cost of an actual injury to an employee can cost the employer $41,000. According to the National Safety Council, the top workplace related injuries are overexertion due to lifting and repetitive movements. The data speaks volumes to the risks of having steel dumpsters placed in hard to access areas such as an alleyway. Odds are that your employees are risking injury each time they interact with one of those dumpsters.
The Solution
Most waste that is collected in steel dumpsters that can be handled by lighter, safer plastic dumpsters. 4-yard plastic dumpsters usually weigh 360lbs*—that is almost 1,200 lbs. lighter than a steel dumpster. This allows for way less strain and danger for your employees. Unlike steel, plastic will not rust, which can cause edges to become jagged and dangerous. Plastic dumpsters are the perfect solution to keep your employees on the job and make their lives easier when it comes to dumpster locations in hard to reach areas for trucks. They will be able to push the dumpster with ease. Some rear load dumpsters even have hook bars that allow them to be pulled with a hook and winch. Beyond being the safer option, plastic dumpsters will last longer than their steel counterparts. Making plastic dumpsters both the safer and economical choice.
Prioritize Safety and Your Bottom Line
Choosing between safety and your bottom line does not have to be a hard choice. Switching from steel dumpsters to lightweight and easy-to-maneuver plastic dumpsters will do both. The lightweight and easy to maneuver design coupled with a hook bar (rear loads only) make plastic dumpsters a breeze to move in and out of hard to access areas when compared to heavy, rusty, steel dumpsters. The 1,200 lb. weight difference will significantly reduce back, shoulder and soft tissue injuries caused by overexertion. Plastic dumpsters do not rust, eliminating jagged edges that can cause cuts and potentially deadly infections. Your bottom line will be safe making the switch to plastic dumpsters because of the longevity of plastic dumpsters. They do not rust away, crack easily or require frequent repair like steel dumpsters. If you are looking to keep your employees safe, reduce worker’s compensation claims, and save your bottom line, then switching to plastic dumpsters is something your business should seriously consider. | WA
Hedstrom® Environmental is a leader in the plastic dumpster market and works continually to reimagine the waste collection industry. Their mission is to redefine how we look at waste, how it is collected and disposed of to create a solution-minded business. For more information, call (800) 917-5861 or fax (419) 281-3090.