{"id":432,"date":"2016-05-18T12:02:15","date_gmt":"2016-05-18T16:02:15","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/wasteadvantagemag.com\/?p=432"},"modified":"2016-05-18T13:02:36","modified_gmt":"2016-05-18T17:02:36","slug":"what-organizations-are-in-your-state","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/wasteadvantagemag.com\/what-organizations-are-in-your-state\/","title":{"rendered":"What Solid Waste Management Organizations are in Your State?"},"content":{"rendered":"
Washington Report<\/strong><\/p>\n What Organizations are in Your State?<\/strong><\/p>\n Do you want to know what organizations focus on solid waste management in your State? Or find out what organizations are available in others? Read on to find out what valuable resources are available in your area.<\/em><\/p>\n ALABAMA<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Department of Environmental Management (ADEM)<\/strong><\/p>\n ADEM administers all major federal environmental laws, including the Clean Air, Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water acts and federal solid and hazardous waste laws. ADEM assumed these responsibilities only after demonstration that state laws and regulations are at least equivalent to federal standards and that the State has matching funds and personnel available to administer the programs.<\/p>\n ADEM\u2019s mission is to responsibly adopt and fairly enforce rules and regulations consistent with the statutory authority granted to the Alabama Environmental Management Commission (AEMC) and the ADEM to protect and improve the quality of Alabama’s environment and the health of all its citizens. It monitors environmental conditions in Alabama and recommends changes in State law or revises regulations as needed to respond appropriately to changing environmental conditions.<\/p>\n Regulations Divisions include:<\/p>\n For more information, visit\u00a0<\/em>www.adem.state.al.us<\/em><\/a><\/u>.<\/em><\/p>\n ALASKA<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)<\/strong><\/p>\n The DEC conserves, improves and protects its natural resources and environment and controls water, land and air pollution, in order to enhance the health, safety and welfare of the people of the state and their overall economic and social well-being. Primary services include:<\/p>\n Divisions include: Office of the Commissioner, Air Quality, Environmental Health, Information and Administrative Services, Spill Prevention and Response and Water.<\/p>\n For more information, visit\u00a0<\/em>www.dec.state.ak.us<\/em><\/a><\/u>.<\/em><\/p>\n ARIZONA<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)<\/strong><\/p>\n The ADEQ\u2019s mission is to protect and enhance public health, welfare and the environment in Arizona. It administers a variety of programs to improve the health and welfare of our citizens and ensure the quality of Arizona’s air, land and water resources meets healthful, regulatory standards.<\/p>\n The mission of the Waste Programs Division is to protect and enhance public health and the environment by reducing the risk associated with waste management, contaminated sites and regulated substances. Core responsibilities include:<\/p>\n The Waste Programs Division also reviews and approves construction plans for landfill and special waste facilities. It also issues licenses and permits to other solid waste facilities. The division conducts periodic inspections and assists facility operators and other customers in complying with state and federal solid waste laws and regulations. Enforcement actions are taken in cases of significant non-compliance. The division advocates solid waste reduction, reuse, and recycling and provides grant assistance to selected projects.<\/p>\n For more information, visit\u00a0<\/em>www.azdeq.gov<\/em><\/a><\/u>.<\/em><\/p>\n ARKANSAS\u00a0<\/u><\/strong>Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)<\/strong><\/p>\n The ADEQ strives to protect and enhance the state’s environment through regulatory programs, proactive programs and educational activities. While the overview focuses primarily on the Department’s regulatory activities, almost every area of the agency also devotes time and personnel to outreach and education efforts.<\/p>\n The Solid Waste Management Division is responsible for regulating the handling, processing, recycling, marketing of recycled materials, and disposal of non-hazardous solid waste. The Solid Waste Management Division is organized into the:<\/p>\n For more information, visit www.adeq.state.ar.us<\/a>.<\/em><\/p>\n CALIFORNIA<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Environmental Protection Agency<\/strong><\/p>\n The California Environmental Protection Agency is charged with developing, implementing and enforcing the state’s environmental protection laws that ensure clean air, clean water, clean soil, safe pesticides and waste recycling and reduction. Departments are at the forefront of environmental science, using cutting-edge research to shape the state’s environmental laws.<\/p>\n CalRecycle is the home of California\u2019s recycling and waste reduction efforts. Officially known as the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, CalRecycle is a new department within the California Natural Resources Agency and administers programs formerly managed by the State\u2019s Integrated Waste Management Board and Division of Recycling.<\/p>\n The Web site is designed for California consumers, businesses, recycling and waste-hauling industries, nonprofit organizations, educational facilities, and others. Links lead to information on programs that are important to the long-term vitality of California\u2019s environment and economy.<\/p>\n For more information, visit www.calepa.ca.gov<\/a>.<\/em><\/p>\n COLORADO<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Department of Public Health and Environment<\/strong><\/p>\n Its goal is to improve the quality of the environment and public health for the citizens of Colorado by continuously improving our efforts to ensure proper management of hazardous materials and waste.<\/p>\n The Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division:<\/p>\n For more information, visit www.cdphe.state.co.us<\/a>.\u00a0<\/em><\/p>\n CONNECTICUT<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)<\/strong><\/p>\n The DEP is conserves, improves and protects the natural resources and environment of the State of Connecticut. The DEP regulates, monitoring, inspection and enforcement, and licensing procedures that help control air, land and water pollution in order to protect health, safety, welfare and natural resources. The DEP also improves and coordinates the state’s environmental plans, functions and educational programs in cooperation with federal, regional and local governments, other public and private organizations and concerned individuals.<\/p>\n The Materials and Waste Management Division involves ensuring the proper management of wastes, chemicals and other materials that is critical to the protection of the environment, public health and safety. The DEP has several programs that are dedicated to assuring proper management and control of materials including petroleum products, industrial chemicals, radioactive materials, pesticides, PCBs, and solid and hazardous wastes. Collectively, these programs protect environmental quality and public healthy by promoting waste minimization, recycling, beneficial use of solid wastes, and spill prevention and control methods.<\/p>\n For more information, visit www.ct.gov\/dep<\/a>.<\/em><\/p>\n DELAWARE<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Division of Air and Waste Management<\/strong><\/p>\n Its mission is to optimize the air resources and waste management practices within Delaware by working cooperatively with citizens and businesses to protect public health, welfare and the environment. It:<\/p>\n The\u00a0Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Branch is responsible for controlling the storage, transport and disposal of solid, infectious and hazardous waste in Delaware and also coordinates recycling and\u00a0yard waste<\/a>\u00a0management.\u00a0The branch is composed of:<\/p>\n For more information, visit www.awm.delaware.gov<\/a>.<\/em><\/p>\n FLORIDA<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Department of Environmental Protection<\/strong><\/p>\n Responsible for environmental management and stewardship and is one of the more diverse agencies in state government, protecting the air, water, and land. The Department is divided into three primary areas: Regulatory Programs, Land and Recreation and Planning and Management.<\/p>\n The Division of Waste Management works closely with the Department\u2019s district offices to implement state and federal laws to protect the environment from the improper handling and disposal of solid and hazardous wastes. This includes regulatory programs for waste facilities and pollutant storage systems, and non-regulatory activities such as financial and technical assistance for recycling and waste reduction. The Division also oversees and contracts for the cleanup of sites contaminated with petroleum products, dry-cleaning solvents, or other hazardous wastes.<\/p>\n The Bureau of Solid and Hazardous Waste includes:<\/p>\n For more information, visit\u00a0<\/em>www.dep.state.fl.us<\/a><\/u><\/em>.<\/em><\/p>\n GEORGIA<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Environmental Management<\/strong><\/p>\n The DCA helps with Georgia’s solid waste management efforts primarily in four ways:<\/p>\n The Georgia Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Act set a path toward improved solid waste management in the state. Some of the key provisions of the law are:<\/p>\n For more information, visit\u00a0<\/em>www.dca.state.ga.us\/development\/EnvironmentalManagement<\/em><\/a><\/u>.<\/em><\/p>\n HAWAII<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Departmental of Health, Environmental Division<\/strong><\/p>\n The Department of Health is entrusted to protect the health of Hawaii residents through the protection of the state’s environment and through regulation of goods, services and facilities used by the general public. The Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch, Office of Solid Waste Management protects Hawaii\u2019s lands from pollutants that endanger people and the environment, and to rehabilitate contaminated lands. To ensure environmentally sound and cost-effective management of all solid and hazardous waste generated within the State through promotion of pollution prevention and waste minimization, and development of proactive partnerships with waste generators and the regulated community. By aggressive enforcement of environmental laws and regulations, this branch assists in the prevention of releases and the threat of release of petroleum, hazardous substances, and other contaminants within authority:<\/p>\n For more information, visit\u00a0http:\/\/hawaii.gov\/health\/environmental\/environmental\/waste\/index.html<\/a>.<\/em><\/p>\n IDAHO<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)<\/strong><\/p>\n DEQ ensures clean air, water and land in the state and protect Idaho citizens from the adverse health impacts of pollution. As a regulatory agency, DEQ enforces various state environmental regulations and administers a number of federal environmental protection laws including the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. DEQ manages a broad range of activities including:<\/p>\n DEQ\u2019s Waste Management and Remediation Division is responsible for monitoring and controlling the generation, treatment, storage, and disposal of wastes in Idaho. The waste management group focuses on ensuring that wastes generated in or entering Idaho are managed and disposed in a manner protective of human health and the environment. On the remediation side, program resources are directed to responding to existing releases of hazardous substances to surface waters, ground water or soils. The DEQ\u2019s State Response Program oversees the development and operation of municipal and non-municipal solid waste disposal sites in Idaho.<\/p>\n For more information, visit\u00a0<\/em>www.deq.idaho.gov<\/a><\/u><\/em>.<\/em><\/p>\n ILLINOIS<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Environmental Protection Agency: Bureau of Land (BOL)<\/strong><\/p>\n The BOL\u2019s goals are to protect human health and the environment by ensuring that hazardous and solid waste will be managed in a sound manner, and to reduce or control risk to human health and the environment by overseeing the cleanup of contaminated sites.<\/p>\n The BOL is responsible for the protection and restoration of land and groundwater resources in the State of Illinois. The BOL administers a broad variety of solid and hazardous waste management and cleanup programs. The mission of the Bureau of Land is to:<\/p>\n The Office of Pollution Prevention (OPP) promotes pollution prevention (P2) as the preferred strategy for environmental protection. Reducing or eliminating pollution at the source is preferable to treating or managing it after the fact. P2 not only can help businesses and others achieve better environmental protection, but it can also help them save money, improve efficiency and ease regulatory concerns. The OPP promotes P2 through a variety of educational, technical assistance, regulatory integration and voluntary recognition initiatives.<\/p>\n For more information, visit\u00a0www.epa.state.il.us\/land<\/a>.<\/em><\/p>\n INDIANA<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Department of Environmental Management (IDEM)<\/strong><\/p>\n The IDEM employs some of Indiana’s most qualified engineers, scientists and environmental project managers specializing in air, land, pollution prevention and water quality issues. Staff members work hard to provide quality environmental oversight and technical assistance in communities and around the state.<\/p>\n DEM’s implements federal and state regulations to protect human health and the environment while allowing the environmentally sound operations of industrial, agricultural, commercial and government activities vital to a prosperous economy.<\/p>\n For more information, visit\u00a0<\/em>www.in.gov\/idem\/index.htm<\/a><\/u><\/em>.<\/em><\/p>\n IOWA<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Department of Natural Resources (DNR): Waste Management<\/strong><\/p>\n The DNR\u2019s Waste Management section, within the Land Quality Bureau, is Iowa\u2019s core agency for assisting businesses and residences with waste management goals, while regulating solid waste facilities. It assists Iowa citizens, businesses and communities in creating a cleaner environment and stronger economy through sustainable use of natural resources with effective waste management and pollution prevention activities. Links include:<\/p>\n For more information, visit www.iowadnr.gov\/waste\/index.html<\/a>.<\/em><\/p>\n KANSAS<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Department of Health and Environment: Bureau of Waste Management<\/strong><\/p>\n The mission of the Bureau of Waste Management is to minimize the health and environmental impact associated with the generation, storage, transportation, treatment, and disposal of all solid and hazardous wastes in Kansas.<\/p>\n The Solid Waste Section of the Bureau of Waste Management administers permits to ensure all solid waste facilities are operated in a manner that protects human health and the environment. Permitted facility types include composting, construction\/demolition, household hazardous waste, incinerator, industrial, land farm, medical waste, mobile tire processor, msw-exempt, msw-subtitle D, solid waste processor, tire collection center, tire monofill, tire processing facility, tire transporter, and transfer station. The Solid Waste Permits Section is comprised of three units\u2014Solid Waste Landfills Unit, Solid Waste Processing & Planning Unit, and the Solid Waste Hydrogeologic Unit.<\/p>\n For more information, www.kdheks.gov\/waste<\/a>.<\/em><\/p>\n KENTUCKY<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Division of Waste Management<\/strong><\/p>\n The Kentucky Division of Waste Management is a state agency operating under the umbrella of the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection\u00a0(DEP). The division\u2019s mission is to protect human health and the environment by minimizing adverse impacts on all citizens of the commonwealth through the development and implementation of fair, equitable and effective waste management programs.<\/p>\n The division consists of eight branches:\u00a0Program Planning and Administration<\/a>,\u00a0Field Operations<\/a>,\u00a0Hazardous Waste<\/a>,\u00a0Solid Waste<\/a>,\u00a0Recycling and Local Assistance<\/a>,\u00a0Superfund<\/a>,\u00a0Underground Storage Tanks<\/a>\u00a0and the Director’s Office. The Enforcement Branch was abolished and its staff transferred to the\u00a0Division of Enforcement<\/a>.<\/p>\n For more information, visit www.waste.ky.gov<\/a>.<\/em><\/p>\n LOUISIANA<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Department of Environmental Quality: Waste Permits Division<\/strong><\/p>\n The Waste Permits Division within the Office of Environmental Services includes several sections that serve various functions within the Department of Environmental Quality.<\/p>\n The Solid and Hazardous Waste Permits section authorizes permits administered under the Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Regulations.\u00a0In addition, this section handles the registration, certification and closure of Underground Storage Tanks. The Waste Permits Division also includes certain engineering and geological sections that provide support to Solid and Hazardous Waste Permits.\u00a0These sections also provide other services throughout the state.<\/p>\n For more information, visit www.deq.louisiana.gov<\/a>.<\/em><\/p>\n MAINE<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Department of Environmental Protection: Bureau of Remediation and Waste Management<\/strong><\/p>\n Directs the cleanup and mitigation of adverse effects associated with uncontrolled hazardous substance sites; responds to discharges or spills of oil products or hazardous matter; manages the generation, transport, storage, treatment or disposal of hazardous wastes, hazardous substances, petroleum products and biomedical waste; and administers the solid waste facility licensing program, the asbestos abatement and lead abatement programs, and the sludge and residuals land-spreading program. In addition, the Bureau provides staff support to the Board of Underground Storage Tank Installers and the Oil Spill Advisory Committee.<\/p>\n The Bureau is organized into five divisions and two units:<\/p>\n For more information, visit www.maine.gov\/dep\/rwm\/index.htm<\/a>.<\/em><\/p>\n MARYLAND<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Department of the Environment (MDE)<\/strong><\/p>\n MDE protects and restores the quality of Maryland\u2019s air, water and land resources, while fostering smart growth, economic development, healthy and safe communities, and quality environmental education for the benefit of the environment, public health and future generations.<\/p>\n MDE’s Solid Waste Program is responsible for assuring that society’s domestic, commercial, and non-hazardous industrial solid waste is handled properly. Improper handling of these wastes can pose direct threats to both public health and Maryland’s natural resources, particularly water resources.<\/p>\n For more information, visit www.mde.state.md.us<\/a>.<\/em><\/p>\n MASSACH– USETTS<\/u><\/strong>\u00a0Department of Environmental Protection<\/strong><\/p>\n EEnsures clean air<\/a>\u00a0and\u00a0water<\/a>, the\u00a0safe management of toxics and hazards<\/a>, the\u00a0recycling of solid and hazardous wastes<\/a>, the\u00a0timely cleanup of hazardous waste sites and spills<\/a>, and the\u00a0preservation of wetlands and coastal resources<\/a>.<\/p>\n The Bureau of Waste Prevention (BWP) protects public health and the environment by ensuring that discharges and emissions, solid and hazardous wastes, toxic chemical use, and the health risks associated with them are reduced to the maximum extent possible and, when pollution or waste cannot be prevented, they are safely and effectively controlled\u00a0or managed.\u00a0BWP consists of\u00a0four divisions:<\/p>\n\n