The Chittenden Solid Waste District has been awarded a grant worth $131,200 by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), an arm of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, to be used toward capital infrastructure improvements to the Environmental Depot–CSWD’s hazardous waste collection facility– and enhanced food scrap collection at CSWD Drop-Off Centers. The grant is part of $975,000 made available from the Solid Waste Management Assistance Fund provided by the State to help towns and solid waste planning entities implement their solid waste plans, as required by state law.
CSWD received $60,400 to convert the food scrap collection system at the District’s seven Drop-Off Centers from dozens of 65-gallon carts serviced by a private hauler to more efficient and user-friendly custom-built containers managed by CSWD staff. In addition to increasing capacity and reducing ongoing costs, the change will also give CSWD the capacity and flexibility to explore piloting innovative centralized collection programs with member communities. The grant represents 40 percent of the project costs, with CSWD matching the remaining 60 percent.
CSWD will apply the remaining $70,800 awarded to a much needed overhaul to the 1990’s-era biosolids building that has housed the District’s Environmental Depot hazardous waste collection facility in South Burlington since 2003. Structural changes will add more than 1,500 square feet of usable space. This will enable the District to reunite the nationally recognized Local Color recycled paint and hazardous waste programs under one roof and recognize innumerable labor, material, fuel, and operational efficiencies as well as savings in facility lease costs.