Spend five minutes every day on cleaning and oiling your scales before use and you will be able to prevent device downtime and save tens of thousands of dollars.
By Kevin Hill
Buying weighing scales from the most trusted manufacturer is a great decision for your business, but if you do not take good care of the device, even the best-selling ones will not function as expected.
Damage Risks
The cleanliness and maintenance of a scale not only have a significant impact on its performance and efficiency, but also its life. Moreover, using it with precaution reduces the risk of damage and keeps the reading accurate. Effective maintenance for because:
• Dirty Scales Hold Moisture—Dirty scales trap moisture and moisture in hardware leads to rust and corrosion in the scale and hence, inaccurate reading.
• Increased Hardware Cost—Replacing the damaged hardware can increase your overall cost since the hardware of a weighing scale is expensive.
• Reduced Life—The friction increases automatically in a dirty scale and friction results in the abrasion of its parts, and hence, reduced life of the weighing scale.
Handling and Maintaining Your Scales
Correctly serviced weighing equipment reduces the risk of inaccurate readings and scale damage, which can lead to downtime and additional costs of repairing. Hence, the personnel using the scale should be trained properly on how to handle and maintain them. The most effective maintenance tips include the following.
#1: Inspection
It is critical to know the performance and effectiveness of the scale at all times. This can be done through regular inspections:
• Inspect the scale every day since debris can easily get accumulated in the device when weighing during recycling operations.
• Check signs of wear and tear on a weekly basis.
• Carefully inspect junction boxes, wiring and hardware of the scale.
• Repaint the hardware if the paint is peeled since it acts as a barrier against corrosion.
#2: Calibration
Once an industrial weighing scale is installed, it is tested by the governing state’s weighing and measures organization. It is crucial to get approval before starting to use the scale because incorrect readings can consequentially affect the revenue. Since continued accuracy is not guaranteed, the frequency of periodic calibration should be decided based on factors such as:
• Weights measured per day
• Number of days the scale is used per year
• Acceptable error rate
#3: Clean the Debris
Scales used for weighing during the recycling process tend to accumulate debris. This can result in inaccurate readings. Use pressure sprayer to clean the device and ensure that electronics are adjusted to withstand pressure.
#4: Reporting
Thorough reporting of performance before and after calibration makes up a good maintenance program. Create written reports after every inspection and then a summary of findings to analyze the performance.
The accuracy and life of the scale depend on the way we use the weighing scales. Just by being careful while using the device, we can ensure its long life and save unnecessary costs. Here is what you should follow:
• Clean the scale before and after measuring
• Do not pour liquids into the scale directly
• Remove the removable parts before cleaning as instructed in the manual
• Use a damp tissue to clean dust
• Keep the scale grounded to protect it from power surges
• Avoid shaking and rough treatment
• Do not overload the scale
• Keep the scale away from magnetic vibrations
Spend five minutes every day on cleaning and oiling the device before use and you will be able to prevent device downtime and save tens of thousands of dollars. Also, be sure to seek additional assistance from the experts consistently in order to keep the device in a good shape over a long period of time. | WA
Kevin Hill heads the marketing efforts at in Byron, CA. For more information, visit .