State Rep. James Arciero, D-Westford, recently testified before the Joint Committee on the Judiciary on House Bill 4149: An Act Relative to Speed Limitations Near Waste or Recycling Collection, a measure he filed.
The bill seeks to regulate the rate of speed of vehicles which pass waste management and recycling trucks as they perform their duties thorough neighborhoods. Specifically, the bill calls for a 15-miles-per-hour limit for any vehicles seek to pass these trucks when they are stopped to collect trash or recyclables.
The proposed speed limit for passing vehicles would be restricted to mostly residential and neighborhood roads, as the bill calls for exempting private ways, highways or thoroughfares consisting of lined multiple lanes. The penalty for violating this law would be either a $500 fine or up to a year in a house of corrections. A second offense or a first offense resulting in serious bodily injury would trigger a $1,000 fine, loss of driver鈥檚 license for six months and up to two and a half years in a house of corrections.
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