
During a Council meeting, County staff provided Council with an update regarding the interlocal agreement with the Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District (LSWDD). The current agreement has already received a one-year extension and is set to expire at the end of 2024, thus prompting an update. The County’s proposed changes to the interlocal agreement seek to address safety and noise concerns, ensure continued compliance with County Code and State Law, and support the LSWDD’s interest in expanding its footprint. Management of day-to-day operations will remain with the LSWDD’S managing board, as it has since it was first established in 2012. The updated agreement seeks to balance the County Council’s responsibility as the district’s governing body with the LSWDD’s role as the managing board and site operator.

San Juan County supports the progressive recycling efforts of the LSWDD, the Take-It-Or-Leave It, and ongoing progress towards a sustainable economy. The County is not planning to take operational control over the dump but is seeking changes that will address safety, noise, and compliance issues.

Proposed changes to the interlocal agreement seek to address safety and noise issues at the facility, ensure the facility’s continued compliance with County Code and State Law, and support the expansion of the Take-It-Or-Leave-It (TIOLI) to an adjacent parcel.

  • Safety and Noise Concerns:
    • The County has identified several operations activities that need attention – especially related to noise, public safety. The draft interlocal agreement requires LSWDD to provide an Operations and Safety Plan as part of the Agreement, as it is a standard requirement of all other operators in the county. The draft agreement also set limits to steel and glass crushing to address neighbor noise concerns. Finally, the draft agreement limits public access below the garbage bins while dumping to help improve safety and reduce liability risk.
  • County Code and State Law Compliance:
    • The LSWDD has utilized the northern half of a County-owned parcel and the TIOLI building at no cost under its existing agreement with the County. To make the County’s treatment of the LSWDD site consistent with that of similar properties county-wide, the draft agreement reflects a payment plan starting at one-quarter of the market rate. These fees will start a fund for the district’s expansion efforts.
  • TIOLI Expansion:
    • The managing board has expressed interest in expanding their footprint to provide even better services to the Lopez community. Expansion into the Public Works portion of the site has been identified as one option. The license to use fee (described above) will be set aside to help fund the purchase of the southern portion of the parcel from Public Works for the eventual facility expansion.
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