
In the Spotlight: Cal-Waste: 90 Years Strong ♦ Disaster Planning: Disaster Damage Prevention Planning: Protecting Valuable Assets and Infrastructure from Flood Events ♦ Landfill Operations: Conducting Landfill Audits ♦ Scales: 3 Key Considerations When Installing New Scales/Scale House ♦ Mandates: Waste Haulers and ELDs: What You Need to Know ♦ Alternative Fuels: Delivering Compressed Natural Gas for America’s Fleets ♦ Automation: The Future of Robotics in the Waste Industry ♦ Safety: How to Get Your Hauling Company OSHA Compliant ♦ Landfill GPS: Solid Waste Industry Embraces Drones: Transforming Topographic Mapping and Airspace Measurement ♦ Recycling: Recycling Asbestos-Containing Materials ♦ Guest Commentary: Trashnology: Technology Meets the Waste Collection

