
In the Spotlight:  Countrywide Recycling:  Continually Striving for Better Efficiency and Diversion Rates • Smart Fleets: The Future of the Waste and Recycling Industry • Are You Ready for These Five Types of Emergency Response Events? • Is the Intelligent Bin in the Future for Commercial Haulers? • Phase II EPA Emission Regulations for Refuse Haulers Tough, But Tech Advances Help • Is Your Solid Waste Infrastructure at Risk from Hurricanes or Flood Events? • How to Improve Your Bottom Line • Selling Your Business is a Team Sport • Wastecon 2015’s Theme of “Inventing the Future of Solid Waste Management” Focuses on Industry Transitions, Safety Changes, and Innovative Solutions • Amrep Inc. • Anatomy of a Fuel and Service Trailer • Carolina Waste & Recycling Depends on Mack Trucks for its Recycling and Waste Management Operation in the South Carolina Low Country
