
The stage is set for an enforcement blitz come April 1, when the sanitation department can begin issuing fines starting at $25 to landlords who buck the compost mandate. The rule will be enforced by inspectors who check garbage bags for illicit organic waste, according to sanitation officials.

Participation rates are particularly low in areas with large buildings where landlords haven’t bothered to set up compost collection bins for tenants. City data shows a densely populated community district in the South Bronx only put out about two tons of compost for collection at the curb in February, compared to 1,375 tons of garbage. Sanitation officials expect those numbers to climb once ticketing begins, and have pointed out that it took decades for recycling compliance in New York City to climb above 40%.

But the lack of composting compliance is also a concern in low-density neighborhoods where residents are responsible for hauling their own trash, recycling and organic waste from their kitchen to the curb.

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Photo by Yan Krukau:

