Michigan lawmakers are set to consider a new bill package that would change what kinds of containers could be returned for a refund this week. Senate Bills 1112 and 1113, introduced by Sen. Sean McCann (D-Kalamazoo) in November, would increase the types of beverages and containers covered by the law, require all stores that sell returnable beverages to accept all returns and change how unclaimed bottle deposit funds are used by the state.
This week, the Senate announced that the bills are up for approval by the Senate Committee of the Whole on Wednesday. Both bills were reported favorably from the Committee on Energy and Environment, but Senate Bill 1112 did have one amendment that minorly changed where funds were disbursed from bottle deposits that were never redeemed. The amendment takes 10% of those funds previously appropriated to a cleanup and redevelopment fund and moves it to a water security fund.
The bills aim to make all beverages containers returnable with the following exceptions:
- Milk containers
- Baby formula containers
- Frozen storage containers
- Containers larger than one gallon
- Containers of fruit or vegetable juice 1/2 gallon or larger