The city of Laredo’s new trash collection routes will begin. The Laredo Solid Waste Services Department reminded the community that a brand new trash collection route for central Laredo will start on July 15.
The city labeled all green trash cans, or “Willie Botes,” in the impacted area with neon labels in recent weeks to let residents know their trash schedule will be changing to Wednesdays going forward. The other two regions in Laredo will continue with Monday and Tuesday garbage pickups.
“Due to the city’s growth, some residential garbage collection routes will switch collection days,” the city said in a statement. “The new garbage collection system will allow for prompt and effective service to all residents of Laredo.” According to Environmental Services Director John Porter and Assistant Solid Waste Director Alejandro Benavides, the trash pickup schedule currently has 36 routes on Mondays and Tuesdays. The proposed change will cut them down to 24 routes on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays without delayed routes, keeping employees from working past 5 p.m.