The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is launching a new “I Am a Recycler” campaign statewide, focusing on improving recycling efforts throughout Iowa. “Iowans have been recycling for 40 years, and we capture a lot of recyclable materials each year,” said Jennifer Wright, supervisor with the DNR’s Land Quality Bureau. “But there is still more we can do. We want to help make sure Iowans know they can recycle more and make sure they are recycling right. Recycling right is critical to ensure collected materials are recycled into new products and not contaminated and landfilled.”

Through the “I Am a Recycler” campaign, the DNR wants to see how Iowans recycle and how it varies throughout the state. For some communities, curbside collection is an option. Others have collection locations throughout the town or in rural areas. Others take their materials to the closest recycling facility.

Over the next six months, the Iowa DNR will share information and resources about not only recycling more, but recycling right. “We want to make sure Iowans know what can be recycled and what shouldn’t be recycled,” said Wright. Iowans can join in the campaign by snapping a selfie of how they recycle at home, in the workplace or on the road. Whether it’s a recycling can in the kitchen, a bin or cart in the garage, or at a drop-off center, Iowa recyclers can post their pictures on social media and tag the @IowaDNR and use the hashtag #IAmARecycler.

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