Harford County will spend more than $5.24 million in fiscal 2017 on a renewed contract with Maryland Environmental Service to operate several facilities previously run by the county, including the landfill in Street and yard waste disposal site in Bel Air.
Maryland Environmental Service, a quasi-public state agency, took over the previously county-run environmental services department in August 2015 under a 10-month, $4.7 million outsourcing contract. The county Board of Estimates unanimously approved a full-year, $5.2 million contact with MES during its meeting Tuesday.
Director of Administration Billy Boniface, who chaired the estimates board meeting, noted the county will save more than half a million dollars in annual expenses by outsourcing environmental services. “It’s about $550,000 less than when we were doing it ourselves, if you average in the two extra months,” he said.
Under the contract, MES will operate the Harford Waste Disposal Center on Scarboro Road in Street, the Tollgate collection facility for yard waste in Bel Air, the county’s Roadside Litter Control Program, used oil and antifreeze disposal program and will oversee licensing and vehicle inspections for waste hauling companies.
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