The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently awarded a $1,965,525 grant to the public awareness initiative to bolster its “Start Smart, Recycle Right” recycling education and outreach program in Hampton Roads. The grant is part of the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which includes a component to expand recycling infrastructure and education for waste management systems across the country, according to the organization.

Launched in 2011, the region-wide public awareness and education campaign is administered through the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC) with support from 17 cities and counties in the region and the Hampton Roads Sanitation District.

The EPA grant will support outreach by and municipalities to amplify recycling awareness, educate residents on the benefits of recycling, improve access to recycling information and encourage all to “recycle right” in Hampton Roads, it said. “Our region, like so many others, needs a culture shift in recycling behavior, and the EPA grant will help us elevate our ‘Start Smart, Recycle Right’ message to help residents understand what is and is not recyclable locally,” said Katie Cullipher, HRPDC Principal Environmental Education Planner and a team leader of the initiative. “With this funding, we’ll work on streamlining messaging and making the information more accessible to all residents of Hampton Roads.”

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Author: Williamburg Yorktown Daily

