On July 1, a new Colorado law took effect to address the problem by setting “truth-in-labeling” standards for compostable products. Kelly Leviker, an anti-plastics advocate for the Colorado Public Interest Research Group, said the goal is to root out anything that looks compostable but isn’t certified to break down in an industrial compost heap.

“What we’re hoping is that this law makes it very clear to people what is compostable and what’s not compostable, and once that becomes very clear to people, industrial composting facilities will then start to gain more confidence and accept these items,” Leviker said.

Behind the issue is the rise of compostable packaging at restaurants and on store shelves. The growing market promises consumers the convenience of disposable products without environmental guilt. In reality, however, many look-alike non-compostable cups and takeout containers aren’t certified as compostable by the Biodegradable Product Institute, the leading labeling authority for North America, or the Compost Manufacturing Alliance, another certification group working directly with compost processors.

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Sam Brasch, CPR News
