
America Recycles Day (ARD) has been the only nationally-recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States since 1997. Every year on and around Nov. 15, thousands of local event organizers mobilize throughout their community to educate millions of people about recycling within their communities. One of the biggest barriers to recycling is knowing what items can (can cannot) be recycled.

This year, the National Recycling Coalition is working with Keep America Beautiful (KAB) to promote and spread awareness of what can be recycled, and how to recycle it correctly, in celebration of America Recycles Day. We invite you to plan your own ARD event by taking advantage of the wide variety of tools and resources KAB offers to make event planning easy and successful. Once planned, register your event here – this allows your event to become part of the national network of America Recycles Day events!

“America Recycles Day provides the encouragement and ‘know how’ to make recycling a common practice every day of the year,” said Brenda Pulley, senior vice president, recycling, Keep America Beautiful. “We invite you to host an event in your community – 聽invite your family and friends from work, school, your neighbor to participate in America Recycles Day and to take the #BeRecycled Pledge in a collective national effort to improve recycling in our country.”

Events can be scheduled at any time during the fall leading into the official America Recycles Day celebration on Tuesday, Nov. 15.

Additionally, as part of our campaign, we encourage you to ask your networks how they live a recycled lifestyle by taking the #BeRecycled Pledge, which is a promise to actively choose to live a recycled lifestyle by committing to “Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.” in all aspects of daily life. This includes:

  • Recycling at home, work/school and on-the-go;
  • Buying products made with recycled content; and
  • Educating and encouraging friends, family and neighbors to take the #BeRecycled Pledge.

For more information, visit .
